Download BBM6
BBM 6 |
What’s New
Text non-BBM friends
Showing when messages are delivered and read
BBM Connected apps Share and Chat while you are using the app
Showing what you’re currently listening to
How to use BBM
To Add Contacts
Use barcodes
scan their BBM barcode with the camera on your BlackBerry smartphone
See your barcode
Via PIN or email
Connect them using their PIN or email address
Stay connected to your world by creating groups of BBM contacts
Before you are going to download BBM6
Before you are going to download BBM6
- Check your current version
In Devices with OS 4.7.1 or Below
Select Options -> Advanced options -> Applications
and Select BBM from the list
In Devices with OS 5.0
Select Options -> Applications-> Add-ons
and Select BBM from the list
- BlackBerry OS with 4.5 or later
- Unlimited Internet Plan
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