How to Improve Android Studio Performance


Android studio is the official IDE to develop android applications for smartphones, Tablets, Android Wear. Android studio is based on intelliJ IDEA platform. Apart from other IDE’s, android studio is the official IDE of android so the android studio team roll out updates frequently to improve performance, it provides easy and exclusive features, when it comes developing you will probably noticed that sometimes android studio lags when developing or opening android studio, this problems or lags can be easily solved using the following tweaks.

Android studio

1. Allocate Maximum Ram for Android Studio

– Go-to Android Studio installation directory
C:Program Files (x86)Androidandroid-studiobin
– Open studio64.exe.vmoptions if you are using a 64 bit Windows or studio.exe.vmoptions for 32 bit Windows
– Find the following lines 
This two lines allocates initial memory and maximum memory, so change the memory values according to your Ram size, If you are using 4 Gb Ram then change to
– Then save (In order to save changes you need to move the studio64.exe.vmoptions file to different location, after you make the changes move to the default location)

vmoptions android

Also Read : Fix Android Studio Stuck at Gradle Download | How to Manually Download Gradle

2. Enable Offline Work

– Open Android Studio
– Go-to File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle
Enable Offline Work

gradle offline

3. Use Genymotion Emulator

The default emulator of android studio is slow, but the Genymotion is the fastest emulator till time, it’s a paid application but you can use the free version with limited features.


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