How To Compress PDF File Online


Compress PDF file size

If you are reading this, you have probably in the middle of something like you are uploading a PDF file to some site, and the size of the PDF file is very large, so you want to compress PDF size to a specific file size limit. Smallpdf is an online tool that Compress PDF file size  as your wish. The compressing preserve the quality of the PDF with 144 dpi, this is perfect for web and email use.
This PDF compression tool is free and without Ads or pop-ups. This is highly secure service that deletes your PDF file after the compression. This is works on all platform with only a web browser, no need of plug-ins. The compressing done by using Cloud, so you dont waste your memory.

Compress PDF File Size

Step 1 : Goto Smallpdf

compress pdf file size

Step 2 :  Drag and drop your  PDF File

compress pdf file size

Step 3 :  Once its uploaded you will get a download link to download your compressed PDF file 


  1. Hi Techcybo Team,

    I am from ( I came across your site and was wondering if your site accepts sponsored post/guest post/product review.

    If yes, I would appreciate it if you can send me more details about such services your site is offering.

    Currently we have a product: PDF WIZ (, a 100% free PDF converter and editor on Windows.

    It’s better than online PDF converters because it’s faster & safer (used offline) and has no file size limit; and it’s better than other PC software because it’s 100% free.

    Any interest in working with us, please feel free to let us know.

    Kindly waiting for your reply.




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